Förutfattade meningar är de bästa
Saxat ur The Last Truck: Closing of a GM Plant när en medelålders man berättar om sin första dag på jobbet.
"You always get these ideas that there is gonna' be a lot of... redneck kind of guys, you know hillbillies, and they are gonna' beat you up or something. I guess, that is kind of weird to say but you are always kind of scared of that kind of attitude. But you come in and they are just regular people, men and women working together. And you just never thought that."
"You always get these ideas that there is gonna' be a lot of... redneck kind of guys, you know hillbillies, and they are gonna' beat you up or something. I guess, that is kind of weird to say but you are always kind of scared of that kind of attitude. But you come in and they are just regular people, men and women working together. And you just never thought that."